Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chace Mission pictures

Chace's farwell June 30, 2010. Mauel, Chelsea, Chad, Kendel, Lisa, Liam, Chanc, Aidan & Randy

Chace at MTC June 2, 2010. He is so Hansome

Chace & Chad at the MTC June 2 , 2010

Kendel, Chace & Chad at the MTC on June 2, 2010

Kendel, Chace & me. He took out his endowments May 29, 2010

Chace going to the mail box to get his mission call

Chace is in Georgia

Ok it has been awhile! I know I say I am going to do this but I am bad. Chace received his mission call to Atlanta Georgia North Mission. So we have been busy getting him ready. He went into the MTC on June 2, 2010. He arrived in Atlanta Georgia June 22, 2010. They had plane problems and had to land in Dallas. They were about 3 hours later than they were supposed to be. He is loving it. He called the morning of the 22 from the SLC airport at 5:00 am. It was so good to hear his voice after 3 weeks. he will make a great missionary. As for us it has been crazy. We are still trying to get the house remodeled. Kendel's mom Nola will be moving in with us. Kendel has been busy with little jobs , but that is paying the bills so we are not complaining. Chad is working with Kendel this summer and also doing open field soccer. As for me I am doing OK.