Wednesday, February 4, 2009

what a crazy life we live. So last Saturday we made a mad dash to Portland to be with Nels & Betsy Chelsie & William. It is still a tough situation and Nels is having all kinds of surgery this week. Came home late Sunday. On Tuesday Kendel's mom called to say another cousin is in the hospital here in Burley with congestive heart failure. ENOUGH ALLREADY!


LacyAsher#1 said...

That is so sad. I didn't here about the other cousin. I say when it rains it pours i swear. Well I tagged you on my blog. Something fun to do in the midst of all the sad

SAYDA said...

I thought they say they only come in three's. Haven't you passed that number. We're sending our love and hugs.

SAYDA said...

Thinkinf of you. Hope things are better with your family.
