Monday, November 23, 2009

I know I have not updated in along time. I like to see everybody elses. And I really need new pictures to update. It has been quite the year for our family. We just keep saying our prayers that everything will be ok. We are very blessed. I am so glad we have the church in our lives, I really don't know where we would be without it. So much has happened. It is nice to know my Savior is always with me. I know sometimes i have taken him for granted. With what has happened this year I have really had my testimony strenthened. And I am glad I am here to tell about it. I have got a greater apprecition for life and the family & friends in my life. I love you all so very much. Kendel is my rock. I don't tell him enough how much he means to me and how he gives me the strength I need. I love you Kendel. My children bring the most joy in the world to me. i love having them around. Holidays seem to go by way to fast and I don't seem to get enough of them. Aidan brightens my days when Randy & Chanc come home. We can't hardly wait to have another grandson coming in Febuary. Manny & Chelsea are always wanting us to go to Boise and spend time with them and we love it. Chace is become such a great strength to me. He really has growen up and is pretty responsible. We are very proud of him. He has been working with Kendel and caught on to what has to be done. He also knows what his dad expectes. Chad keeps us laughing all the time. Also keeps us on the go or thinking for a come back for what ever he says. I love you kids and our grandson! I will try to be better at keeping this updated. Maybe i should stay focused and do this instead of seeing whats going on in the facebook world. HAHA!

1 comment:

Manuel and Chelsea said...

Mom- I love the new blog and what a cute picture of the 4 of you. ADORABLE. Your jacket and shirt look so cute on you. Way to go on the good ol' update and I agree- update more often :) put the progress of the house on the blog :)